My Awesome Mac Apps
记录下 macOS 上安装的一些好用的工具。
Developer Tools
- JetBrains APPs:每日必备
- JetBrains Toolbox App
- Android Studio
- RustRover
- DataGrip
- GoLand
- IntelliJ IDEA
- PyCharm
- Visual Studio Code:轻量级但功能强大的源代码编辑器
- Dash:API 文档浏览器
- DevUtils:开发工具箱
- Flipper:移动应用调试器
- Fork:Git 图形界面客户端
- GitHub Desktop:GitHub 官方的桌面客户端
- IDA 64:强大的交互式反汇编和调试器
- Kaleidoscope:对比工具
- Postman:API 测试
- Proxyman:HTTP 抓包分析
- SnippetsLab:代码片段管理
- TablePlus:数据库管理
- Tower:Git 图形界面客户端
- Wireshark:网络协议分析工具
- 1Password:密码管理器
- AltTab:带来 Windows 的 Alt-Tab 体验
- Amphetamine:休眠管理器
- AppCleaner:应用程序卸载工具
- Bartender:菜单栏管理工具
- BetterTouchTool:自定义触控板和鼠标手势
- BLEUnlock:使用蓝牙设备自动解锁 Mac
- CleanMyMac:Mac 系统清理优化工具
- DaisyDisk:磁盘占用分析
- DockMate:Dock 栏窗口预览
- iTerm2:增强型终端应用
- Karabiner:键盘自定义工具
- GPG Keychain:GPG 密钥管理工具
- iStat Menus:系统状态监控
- Keka:Mac 下的免费解压缩工具
- KeyCastr:实时显示按键操作
- MenubarX:将任意网页应用添加到菜单栏
- MonitorControl:显示器亮度/音量控制
- Mos:平滑鼠标滚动、控制滚轮反转
- RayCast: 启动器
- Surge:高级网络调试和代理工具
- Suspicious Package:PKG 安装包分析工具
- Warp:下一代终端应用
- Windows App:Windows 远程桌面
- Yoink:拖放临时文件
- CloudMounter:将云存储挂载为本地磁盘
- ForkLift:高级文件管理器和 FTP 客户端
- Hazel:自动文件整理
- imFile:基于 aria2 的下载工具,Motrix 的 Fork
- MacDroid:在访达中管理安卓设备文件
- OpenInTerminal:访达中快速打开终端/VSCode
- Compressor:视频编码和压缩工具
- IINA:现代化的开源媒体播放器
- HandBrake:开源的音视频转码工具
- LosslessCut:快速无损视频和音频剪辑工具
- MediaInfo:媒体信息查看器
- Spotify:流媒体音乐播放器
- YesPlayMusic:第三方网易云音乐客户端
- XnViewMP:多功能图片浏览器
Photo & Pictures & Design
- Adobe Photoshop:专业的图像编辑软件
- Affinity Designer:矢量图形设计软件
- Affinity Photo:专业图像编辑软件
- CleanShot X:截图/录屏工具
- Gemini:重复文件查找工具
- Figma:UI 设计
- Mockuuups Studio:创建样机图片
- Pixeur:取色工具
- Adobe Acrobat:高级 PDF 编辑
- Bob:OCR/翻译工具
- Calendars:日历,日程管理
- Due:高效的提醒应用
- Final Cut Pro:视频剪辑
- Itsycal:开源的菜单栏日历
- Keynote:幻灯片演示
- MindNode:思维导图
- Moment:菜单栏上的倒数日应用
- Paste:剪贴板管理工具
- PDF Expert:PDF 查看编辑器
- Plain Text Editor:简单的记事本
- SideNotes:侧边栏便笺本
- Sorted:GTD 时间管理工具
- Things:To-Do 应用
- Timing:自动时间跟踪工具
Reading & Writing
- Craft:日常笔记
- Follow:RSS 阅读器
- Notion:知识库
- Obsidian:知识库
- Readwise Reader:信息流、阅读器
Command Line Tools
Can be installed by Homebrew
- apktool: Tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps
- aria2: Download with resuming and segmented downloading
- asciinema: Record and share terminal sessions
- bandwhich: Terminal bandwidth utilization tool
- bat: Clone of cat(1) with syntax highlighting and Git integration
- bottom: Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor
- broot: New way to see and navigate directory trees
- eza: Modern, maintained replacement for ls
- fastfetch: Like neofetch, but much faster because written mostly in C
- fd: Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
- ffmpeg: Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
- fnm: Fast and simple Node.js version manager
- fzf: Command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
- gitmoji: Interactive command-line tool for using emoji in commit messages
- gnu-sed: GNU implementation of the famous stream editor
- gnu-tar: GNU version of the tar archiving utility
- gnupg: GNU version of the tar archiving utility
- helix: Post-modern modal text editor
- htop: Improved top (interactive process viewer)
- httpie: User-friendly cURL replacement (command-line HTTP client)
- hyperfine: Command-line benchmarking tool
- imagemagick: Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats
- iperf3: measures TCP, UDP, and SCTP bandwidth
- lazydocker: Lazier way to manage everything docker
- media-info: Unified display of technical and tag data for audio/video
- pandoc: Swiss-army knife of markup format conversion
- pinentry: Passphrase entry dialog utilizing the Assuan protocol
- pinentry-mac: Pinentry for GPG on Mac
- pyenv: Python version management
- ripgrep: Search tool like grep and The Silver Searcher
- rsync: Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer
- tcping: TCP connect to the given IP/port combo
- telnet: User interface to the TELNET protocol
- thefuck: Programmatically correct mistyped console commands
- trash: CLI tool that moves files or folder to the trash
- tree: Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output)
- yt-dlp: Feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
- zellij: Pluggable terminal workspace, with terminal multiplexer as the base feature
- zoxide: Shell extension to navigate your filesystem faster
- zstd: Zstandard is a real-time compression algorithm